Service disruption notice: Delivery and installation of scaffold on the north side of the Science Building – June 27 | News and announcements

2022-06-25 03:35:56 By : Mr. Sam Ning

We are thankful to be welcome on these lands in friendship. The lands we are situated on are covered by the Williams Treaties and are the traditional territory of the Mississaugas, a branch of the greater Anishinaabeg Nation, including Algonquin, Ojibway, Odawa and Pottawatomi. These lands remain home to many Indigenous nations and peoples.

We acknowledge this land out of respect for the Indigenous nations who have cared for Turtle Island, also called North America, from before the arrival of settler peoples until this day. Most importantly, we acknowledge that the history of these lands has been tainted by poor treatment and a lack of friendship with the First Nations who call them home.

This history is something we are all affected by because we are all treaty people in Canada. We all have a shared history to reflect on, and each of us is affected by this history in different ways. Our past defines our present, but if we move forward as friends and allies, then it does not have to define our future.

Learn more about Indigenous Education and Cultural Services

On Monday, June 27, construction crews will transport scaffold sections along the walkway that runs north to south between Polonsky Commons and the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre (south of Avenue of Champions) , and west to east along the north side of the Science B uilding at the university’s north Oshawa campus location .

The scaffold will be installed on the north side of the Science Building, and will remain behind construction fencing for the entire week . For safety, pedestrians should obey signage and construction personnel during transport and staging of the equipment, and avoid the construction area .

For more information, contact Patrick Neil, Senior Project Manager, Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability.

2000 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5 Canada

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