• Broward School district approves $21.6 settlement for partial roof collapse case | WLRN

    by admin on 2022-09-17 02:26:13

    The Broward School Board has approved a settlement from its insurance company for $21.6 million for last year’s partial roof collapse at an Oakland Park middle school.

    When the roof fell in at James S. Rickards Middle, more than 10 people were taken to the hospital after evacuating. Sc

  • Cathedral Roof Repairs Builds Strong Partnership | ScaffMag.com

    by admin on 2022-09-17 02:26:06

    Ireland’s oldest church, St Patrick’s Cathedral dates back to 1220, its currently undergoing the replacement of 19th-century roof slates and is benefitting from the combined scaffolding expertise of Ainscaff Scaffolding – working for main contractor Clancy Construction – and the pe

  • Nuts and Bolts: Breaking Down the Plays That Built the Bears Scoring Drives - Week 1

    by admin on 2022-09-17 02:26:01

    The Bears offense wasn’t great on Sunday, but it was good when it mattered, and they got the job done in monsoon-like conditions at Soldier Field. This unit will experience its ebbs and flows this year, but considering the conditions, they fared alright on Sunday. They also got plenty of

  • Multimatic’s New TrueActive Shocks Could Make Sway Bars a Thing of the Past

    by admin on 2022-09-17 02:26:00

    The engineering firm has taken its spool valve dampers a step further on the Ferrari Purosangue SUV.

    Suspension systems are sort of like rocket science. It all sounds simple when it comes to the theory, but actually making it happen is a whole different ballgame. Multimatic has been try

  • Crown Castle Inc. (CCI) Presents at 2022 Bank of America Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference (Transcript) | Seeking Alpha

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:40

    Crown Castle Inc. (NYSE:CCI ) 2022 Bank of America Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference September 8, 2022 12:40 PM ET

    David Barden - Bank of America

    Thanks for coming. Appreciate it. We're kind of kicking off the comm, infrastructure side of the conference here with

  • Vox Media

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:38

    Finally, the season is here. (Okay, not quite, it’s still Friday afternoon. Just go along with it, you morons.)

    Vanderbilt, for probably the first time ever, plays a Week Zero game with a trip to Hawaii allowing them to add an extra week to the schedule. Technically, they could have

  • Gasholder stabilization work begins in Concord

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:35

    Efforts to shore up the gasholder walls and roof have begun in Concord.

    T.J. Sances of Yankee Steeple Jack from Harvard, Mass., secures a block under wires that will be tightened to shore up the Gasholder building off of South Main Street in Concord on Tuesday. GEOFF FORES

  • Audacy Logo

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:27

    NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- FDNY firefighters rescued two window washers dangling from collapsed scaffolding on Roosevelt Island on Wednesday.

    The rescue team retrieved the men around 11:30 p.m. on Main Street near Roosevelt Island Library.

    An onlooker captured video of the rescue and

  • Every Special Character Location In Midnight Fight Express

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:25

    Here's where to find every Special Character for the People Person achievement in Midnight Fight Express!

    There are several side activities for you to seek out in Midnight Fight Express, from trying to achieve S Rankings on every mission to tackling challenges to finding Special Characte

  • Dalton grandfather delighted with tall sunflower | The Mail

    by admin on 2022-09-10 02:58:21

    A GRANDFATHER who loves gardening is delighted after growing his 'biggest sunflower yet' in a South Cumbrian town.

    William Storey, of Langdale Crescent, Dalton, has grown a flower with a stem so long, it dwarfs him.

    The 75-year-old, who has been growing sunflowers for