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The Lansdowne Place Hotel site in July 2018. Mr Tester fell from a building behind the main hotel. Image taken from Google Streetview
Two builders accused of manslaughter were told that working conditions were unsafe before a roofer’s fatal fall, a court has heard.
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CLEVELAND , Aug. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Brown Gibbons Lang & Company (BGL) is pleased to announce the sale of Brace Industrial Group, Inc. (Brace), which includes Brace Integrated Services and Platinum Specialty Services along with other
Photojournalist Suzi Altmanhas has started a campaign to raise money to save Margaret’s Grocery.
Altman announced on social media the Mississippi Folk Art Foundation has a contract to purchase the land. Altman has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to help preserve the rema
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New Jersey, United States – This Stamping Fasteners Market report has segmented the market based on Application, Product, Geography, and other factors. This market report examines several key players and drivers impacting market opportunities, challenges, risks, and developments. It
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China is becoming a potential quagmire for global investors as a growing list of hazards emerges
What could happen if a country is willing to go to extreme measures to achieve its leader's objectives?
According to Bloomberg News, in