Choose (Virtual) Life: How Univers’ Choose-to-Earn Creates Scaffolding for the Metaverse |

2022-08-20 03:01:59 By : Ms. Rebecca Lee

Choose life. Choose a decentralised internet. Choose yield farms ticking away from your daily activities. Choose an endless metaverse of infinite possibility and curated micro-experiences. Choose interoperability. Choose security. Choose a world where you own your money, period. Choose a permissionless web. Choose value remaining in the hands of the creators. Choose decentralised finance trustlessly operated. Choose-to-Earn.

The blockchain offers many choices. It gives society a chance to reframe how we think about our money systems, our entertainment, and the very structure of the world we live in. A decentralised web can create new social and political systems. The potential for the blockchain extends that far.

Sure, the technology is in its infancy. And yes, only the most slavish blockchain zealot would advocate that absolutely everything should be on-chain. Yet the trend is clear; blockchain has the potential to create efficiency, autonomy, fairness, trust, and value to the systems that run on it.

The metaverse– the collective hallucination currently being dreamed up by web3 start ups all over the world, and puzzled over in corporate boardrooms looking to make their mark– will change the way we as a society interact.

Digital ownership through smart contracts means the intangible virtual world suddenly becomes a whole lot more tangible. Through on-chain voting, those with a stake in the metaverse will be at the forefront of crafting its ultimate manifestation. That’s why it’s so important to have the right tools in place to make the metaverse a success. The choices we make now will define what the future of techno-sapiens looks like.

Univers is on a mission to make the metaverse reach its potential – and reach its potential in the right way. It plans to utilise Choice-Fi, or C2E, to empower everyday users to make the metaverse together. It aims to create a collaborative, collective mission, and reward those who build the world with real value for doing so.

Choose-to-Earn is the flagship DeFi mechanic of Univers. It gives users token rewards for active participation in voting. This by itself is not uncommon, but Univers’ approach goes far beyond just their own protocol or ecosystem. Rather, users will be able to earn by voting on proposals put forward by a range of initiatives that are using Univers to help gather feedback, create direction, and establish their products. Univers wants to be a tool that assists metaverse projects with decision making, and helps them to lead, govern, and manage in a decentralised way that sings true to the ethos of web3.

Individual users will be able to make an impact on a whole range of protocols and earn $VRS token for doing so. The projects will be able to take the pulse of their target market and their active users and be able to communicate their goals clearly and within a framework that works for web3. As well as multi-project voting and governance, users can also provide insight, share feedback, and actively contribute to a project’s growth – all the while earning tokens for doing so. Univers also plans to implement learn-to-earn mechanics, spreading the knowledge of the blockchain far and wide to drive adoption.

Developers gain an active, engaged, committed and knowledgeable user base upon which to draw advice, understand and flat-out project direction. With Choose-to-Earn, they can set the reward parameters, construct a C2E voting tree, funnel liquidity into the Univers system for the rewards pool, and then execute their vote. It’s like having market research on tap, but with a self-filtering expert focus group that wants the best both for the project at hand and the metaverse as a whole.

Univers’ Choose-to-Earn creates a framework for web3 that everyone can plug into. Choose-to-Earn gives incentives for a huge group of people to make collective, empowering decisions. This mechanism, alongside the interoperability SDK that Univers is building, makes Univers the scaffolding that the metaverse needs in order to be built appropriately and to the utopian vision that many in web3 foresee. That vision? A shared, democratic, user-first, permissionless freespace of shared endeavour, where brilliant, unimaginable things are made and everyone has a chance to experience, enjoy, learn, and grow from them.

Being rewarded for your insight is only right. Univers’ framework will allow millions of everyday users of the metaverse to do just that. As we approach this crucial point in the history of our species, we should be enabling as many voices as we can to have their say, and give the builders all the information they need to do it right. With Univers and Choose-to-Earn, the web3 community has the chance to do just that.

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